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Knowledge Rocks!

Knowledge Rocks!

Published by: Research Desk Released: Apr 25, 2022

Class is in session. Learn why knowledge rocks!

Contrary to popular belief, you can predict the future. Or, at least, you can predict your customers’ needs, issues, and questions. You’ve seen them before, and you’ll see them again. So why not meet them at the source and proactively address their needs before they even ask for help?

Knowledge management is the process of continuously creating, optimizing, and extending the content your

customers and agents need to make their journeys successful. From search engine queries to chatbot messaging to agent interactions, knowledge is how you ensure your customers get the right answers in the moments that matter most.

Learn how knowledge management helps:

  •  Elevate your content in search rankings, so the right answers are right there Assist your customers in their self-service journeys
  • Ensure content is clear, concise, and correct across all channels and devices Instantly provide agents with the information needed to support their customers Offer 24/7 access to content translated into all the languages your customers speak