
  • To simplify and improve IT infrastructure management, complex workflows across numerous systems and applications are automated through orchestration.
  • Automating processes like vulnerability scanning, configuration management, and incident response can be part of compliance and security automation.

Organizations rely heavily on efficient IT infrastructure in today’s digital ecosystem to drive operations, enhance productivity, and remain competitive. As the complexity and scale of IT systems continue to grow, so does the need for effective management and optimization.IT infrastructure automation emerges as a game-changer in this landscape, revolutionizing how digital infrastructure is designed, deployed, and maintained.

In this content, we will explore the transformative power of automation and its numerous benefits. But first, let’s get a conceptual understanding of the overall process of automating IT infrastructure.

Necessity to Automate IT Infrastructure

Even if organizations benefit from automation by alleviating the stress on staff members doing manual and repetitive tasks, it demands thorough preparation. The following steps constitute the overall automating process:

1) Provisioning Server

The process of automatically deploying and configuring servers in an IT infrastructure is called server provision. Several phases are involved in the provisioning of servers, including requests, approval, provisioning, configuration, integration, and verification.

IT teams can easily manage user requests for server application requests, review them, deploy new server instances based on pre-defined templates, integrate the new server into the IT environment, and ensure that all organizational standards are met using pre-defined rules and business process automation trends in IT infrastructure.

2) Managing Configuration

IT teams can effectively synchronize IT operations across several devices and deploy settings using automation. IT experts can quickly identify infrastructure components, specify the desired configuration state, create, and test configuration templates, track and audit configuration changes, and update configuration management as per the requirement with the help of IT infrastructure automation tools in configuration management.

3) Deploying Application

The process of automating the deployment of software applications to various environments, such as development, testing, staging, and production, is referred to as application deployment automation. Its goal is to expedite and simplify the software deployment process, reducing the time and effort needed for integration and lowering the chances of mistakes or downtime.

4) Orchestrating

To simplify and improve network infrastructure management, complex workflows across numerous systems and applications are automated through orchestration. By automating typical processes, orchestration automation aims to lessen the need for manual intervention and the likelihood of errors.

Automating orchestration processes include delivering software applications, managing network resources, and procuring and configuring virtual machines

5) Complying Security

The use of automation technologies and processes to ensure that IT infrastructure is secure, in compliance with rules and standards, and guards against threats is called compliance and security automation. Automating processes like vulnerability scanning, configuration management, and incident response can be part of compliance and security automation.

After surfing through the automating process, we’ll explore the function of automation in IT infrastructure.

How Automation in IT Infrastructure Works?

In the IT ecosystem, automation is made feasible in terms of the following two major segments:

  • Standard Operating Environment (SOE)

The environment in which your IT operations take place is provided by SOEs, which are collections of operating systems, software, and hardware that are put together uniformly. They typically comprise the operating system, popular programs, service packs, and related dependencies.

Knowing what they can support, how they operate together, and what to expect from them is crucial. After standardizing operational environments, you may start coordinating their workflows and procedures.

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

It’s essential to apply a standardized set of criteria and guidelines to infrastructure, just as you would code in a DevOps environment. This necessitates Infrastructure as Code in the system.

Without constantly inventing the wheel, IaC enables teams to combine VPC, subnets, VPNs, route tables, servers, cloud-managed services, applications, firewalls, cloud and on-premises managed services and everything else that makes up your infrastructure.

IaC helps companies to standardize solutions in deployment environments, leading to rapid and lucid plug-and-play integration into hybrid or multi-cloud systems.

After comprehending the IT infrastructure automation framework, the following content segment unfolds the significant advantages that automation serves.

Benefits of Automation in IT Infrastructure

1) Simplifying Routine Tasks

Automation eliminates manual, repetitive tasks that consume significant time and effort for IT professionals. By deploying intelligent automation tools and technologies, routine activities such as server provisioning, network configuration, and IT infrastructure automation software updates can be streamlined and executed with precision.

Organizations can free up valuable resources by reducing human intervention, allowing IT teams to focus on more strategic and innovative initiatives.

2) Increasing Efficiency and Scalability

Automation empowers IT infrastructure with enhanced efficiency and scalability. Tasks that once required hours or days to complete can now be executed swiftly and accurately due to automation frameworks and tools.

For example, auto-scaling capabilities enable infrastructure components to dynamically adjust resources based on demand, ensuring optimal performance and cost efficiency. Organizations can seamlessly adapt to changing business needs by automating resource allocation and efficiently handling increased workloads.

3) Improving Reliability and Consistency

Human error is an inherent risk in any manual process, and the consequences can be severe in IT infrastructure management. Automation minimizes instances of errors by enforcing standard procedures and configurations.

Automation executes every task consistently, following pre-defined rules and best practices. This consistency improves reliability, reduces downtime, and enhances overall system performance.

By eliminating human error, automation ensures that IT infrastructure operates optimally, meeting service-level agreements and delivering a seamless user experience.

4) Real-Time Monitoring and Incident Response

Automation enables real-time IT infrastructure monitoring, ensuring proactive identification and resolution of issues. Monitoring tools integrated with automation frameworks can automatically detect anomalies, trigger alerts, and initiate remediation processes.

This proactive IT infrastructure automation approach minimizes system downtime and improves incident response time, enhancing service availability and customer satisfaction. Organizations can achieve higher uptime, better performance, and more reliable services by leveraging automation to monitor and manage infrastructure components.

5) Reducing Human Error

Automation can assist in finding trends and issues before users know them. This relieves the need for humans to locate and evaluate information that Artificial Intelligence can process quickly. People may exclude some information and concentrate on the data they believe to be most relevant. However, AI analyzes the complete data volume and identifies patterns that would take people considerably longer to identify.


Automation has become an indispensable asset in the coordination of IT infrastructure. Automating the IT infrastructure of a company can optimize resource utilization, increase efficiency, and improve overall system reliability. With enhanced security measures and real-time monitoring, automation minimizes risks and ensures uninterrupted operations.

As businesses continue to embrace digital transformation and scale their IT infrastructure, harnessing the power of automation becomes paramount. By doing so, companies can unlock the fullest potential of their IT systems, driving innovation and gaining a competitive edge in the ever-evolving technological landscape.

Explore more IT infra-related whitepapers for the latest insights.