BLOK Technologies Inc. announced that the company had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to acquire 80 percent of issued or outstanding shares of the Worx Solutions Inc. Worx Solutions a private company incorporated within laws of British Columbia. WORX is a company that develops marketing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and data analytics software for the retail industry. In the MOU signedBLOK will be issuing 14,000,000 common shares to WORX at a price of $0.04. Sign a promissory note for $240,000 to acquire 80 percent of the issued and outstanding of WORX. BLOK technologies released a statement that they don’t anticipate the acquisition will trigger in a change of control.

Marcel Newell, Founder of WORX said in a statement that the development of Businessworx so that retailers could better market and manage different propositions of their business. It’s an advanced business management tool that can help in creating marketing and customer relationship programs to create measurable results for retail clients.

Businessworx has proved over time that the tool can increase the retail sales and reduce customer acquisition cost. This all has been achieved with well-crafted analytics dashboard. 

The platform currently offers eight different solutions: 

1. Clientworx: Geo-mapping tool to customers.

2. Dashworx: For data analytics.

3. Loyaltyworx: Automated CRM service.
4. Revieworx: Online review tool. 
5. Scheduleworx: Customer appointment and scheduling system.
6. Priceworx: Product pricing tool.
7. Mailworx: Robust email marketing deployment along with a content engine.
8. Mediaworx: In-store multi-media display platform.